Floral foam for dried flowers
In addition to floral foam for fresh cut flowers (see floral foam FAQ), there is also floral foam for dried flowers. The dry floral foam is used as a base for flower arrangements with dried plant parts and other decorative elements that do not require watering.

This FAQ covers common questions and frequently asked questions related to dry floral foam.
Frequently asked questions about floral foam for dried flowers
Floral foam for dried flowers is a plugging compound made of polyurethane foam, which is used as a basis for dried flower arrangements. Polyurethane foam meets the requirements for arrangements made of dry, silk, paper and artificial flowers. Dry floral foam does not retain water and is therefore not suitable for fresh cut flowers. Dry floral foam for dried flowers usually has a gray color and comes in different shapes, for example, as a ball or cylinder. Probably the most common variant is the gray floral foam brick (that can be cut to almost any shape).
Since floral foam for dried flowers does not need to be watered, it can be used without much preparation. If you want to shape the foam, you can simply cut it with a standard knife. After that, you put the foam in a container and then put the dried flowers into the foam.
Yes, you can reuse dry foam. Due to its strength, it is rather insensitive and lasts for a long time span. If you don’t mind the holes created by the previously inserted flowers, you can insert the new flowers into the used side of the foam. Alternatively, you can simply turn the dry foam over and use another side to put in some flowers.
Dry foam is made of polyurethane (PU), a plastic produced by a chemical process. Polyurethane is composed of the raw materials polyol and isocyanate, which are mixed in a specific ratio. Depending on the manufacturer and variant, dry foam contains other additives, such as cell regulators and colors. The exact ingredients are usually provided by the manufacturer.
Dry foam is polyurethane foam and can therefore be disposed like any other residual waste.
Yes. According to many definitions, pieces of plastic smaller than 5 mm are considered as microplastics. Since dry foam is a plastic foam made of polyurethane, it consists of plastic. When dry foam is processed, for example when it is cut to size, tiny pieces of plastic are produced that can be considered as microplastics.
The following picture shows crumbs from dry floral foam, which were created during cutting, under a microscope. You can clearly see tiny gray plastic pieces that have separated from the foam. The silver object is the tip of a small sewing needle.
Yes, you can replace the dry floral foam. However, I am not currently aware of any convenient alternative that can completely replace dry foam (especially for hanging floral arrangements).
A possible alternative to dry floral foam is clay. The dried flowers are inserted into the clay. The clay is moist at the beginning. Gradually, the clay then hardens.