Today I show you how to arrange a flower arrangement with roses, carnations and ivy in a glass vase with a perforated lid. The vase in combination with the perforated lid can be used as a sustainable alternative to conventional floral foam. In particular, the lid with holes serves as a sticking aid, which keeps the flowers in place. I have answered general and frequently asked questions about floral foam and sustainability in an FAQ.


Here you can see what tools I used for the rose arrangement: You only need a pair of flower scissors to cut the flowers.

These are the materials I used for the arrangement in the glass: A glass vase with a perforated lid as floral foam alternative, roses in red and pink, pink carnations, ivy leaves and ivy flowers (caution: ivy is poisonous).
Material | Search on… |
Glass vase with perforated lid | |
Roses in red and pink | |
Pink carnations | |
Ivy leaves | |
Ivy flowers |
Step 1: Prepare glass vase

The first step is to prepare the glass vase. I pour water into the vase and put the lid on it.

Step 2: Prepare flowers

In the next step, I remove all the leaves on the plant stems and cut the roses, carnations and ivy. I use flower scissors for this purpose.

I cut the plant stems short that they do not touch the glass bottom of the vase. Thus, the lid holes hold the flowers.

This is how my cut flowers look like:

Step 3: Insert flowers into the lid holes

Now the flowers are inserted into the perforated lid. I start with the roses and distribute them evenly.

Then follow the carnations.

Now I put large ivy leaves in the outer holes of the lid. In addition, I insert smaller ivy vines between the flowers.

Finally, I add a few ivy flowers to the flower arrangement.

And this is my rose arrangement with carnations and ivy!

I hope this DIY was as much fun for you as it was for me and you enjoy the looking of the flower arrangement!
If you are looking for a rose arrangement with floral foam or other alternatives to floral foam, feel free to look here: